Have your next weekend camping trip planned? We have the perfect look for you to turn camping into glamping! With our easy to use, portable, and lush beauty batons, you can be picture-ready in under 5 minutes. The best part is, all you’ll need is a mirror or your selfie camera!
Start with our hydrating balm the first thing in the morning to get your skin ready for a hot day in the sun. Apply it all over your face and rub lightly. Use our rosy lip and cheek stains to put on the perfect lipstick, blush on, or even highlight in under 10 seconds! To add that final glow, apply our shiny golden highlighter and get ready to glam!
Throughout the day, if your skin feels dry, keep applying the hydrating balm! For an extra touch of skincare, you can even use our scrub in the morning or at night. All you’ll need is a make-up wipe or a semi-wet towel to dab off the scrub.
Don't forget to send us pictures and tag @readysetjetofficial to get featured on our website.